Why this review is unbiased?
I am not related to AccuRanker in any way. There are no affiliate links in this article. I will not benefit in any way if you sign up with AccuRanker. I am the founder of MonitLabs.com – the lowest-priced rank tracking tool on the market so I may pitch you on that here and there. Having that said, I will try to make this review as objective as possible.
AccuRanker is a keyword rank tracking tool. If you are here I assume you are familiar with the term rank tracker. For those who are not, here is a brief explanation:
Rank tracker is a tool that lets you track your keyword rankings in search engines like Google or Bing. It does that on autopilot for the keywords you provided.
Rank tracking accuracy is one of the biggest myths of the SEO industry. To be strict, there is even no such thing as the accuracy of rank tracking. Search engine rankings can not be accurate or inaccurate. They can be personalized or depersonalized (more on that here). In rank trackers, you want to have depersonalized ones. I have tested almost 40 rank trackers in that aspect and all of them gave me depersonalized results. AccuRanker was one of them.
So, yes – AccuRanker provides “accurate” rankings. Like any other tracking tool.
“But wait! I was using XYZ and it gave me bad results!”
How do you know these results were bad?
“I googled the phrase myself and my website was not on a given position.”
So, you’ve typed a query into Google? Your rank tracker tool has done the same. How do you know that your results are more “accurate”? Both you and your tool did exactly the same thing. Did you do it from your own computer and from your browser without using proxies? If yes – it is very likely that your results were much more personalized.
If you do not feel convinced read a more detailed explanation.
AccuRanker has a pretty decent number of features but it is not an all-in-one SEO tool. It is focused on keyword tracking. You will not find backlink discovery, backlink monitoring, SEO audit, and keyword research features here.
Right after logging in, we see a table with all the domains that we track. For each domain in the table, we have some basic data about its current SEO performance. A more detailed view (like above) is displayed when we select one of the listed domains. The data is well organized and presented with eye-catching graphs. We can see Traffic Value, few charts for Share of Voice, Ranking Distribution, Average Rank, Winners & Losers, Dynamic Top10 Competitors, and below all the chart widgets – Notifications.
Traffic value
This one is basically your estimated traffic multiplied by average CPC for keywords from which you get the traffic.
Share of Voice
Share of Voice is an AccuRankers’ own metric. I will use their own words to explain it:
“Share of Voice is an indicator of how your most important keywords are performing. All keywords that rank between positions 1 to 20 are used for the calculation. The average CTR for the position is multiplied by the search volume of each keyword, allowing you to see if a high traffic keyword is losing rank.”
Three additional Share of Voice charts allows you to:
This feature is useful – it lets you quickly check if the website is doing ok. Although not every rank tracker has a metric similar to this one, AccuRanker is not the only rank tracker to have something for a quick performance summary. Most of the other rank trackers also have some kind of general visibility/SEO score to give you a quick overview of your site.
Ranking Distribution
The chart shows you how many keywords you have in given ranking scopes (positions 1 – 3, 4 – 10, 11 – 20, 21 – 50, and not ranking). A thing to note here is AccuRanker seems to omit the keywords ranking between 51st and 100th positions in this chart.
Average Rank
This graph shows you a history of the average position across all keywords we track. and how it was changing over time.
Winners & Losers
Here, you can see how many phrases went up, stayed the same, or went down when compared to the last check.
Notifications widget is the table with all the significant position movements for keywords that you marked as important.
All the above – Ranking Distribution, Average Rank, Winners & Losers, and Notifications are fairly standard features. They may have different names in other tools or work slightly different but you would have a hard time trying to find a tracker that does not have those features. Especially in AccuRankers’ price range.
In keywords view, you can see a complete list of keywords you track. For each keyword, there is info about the last position, SERP features (things that appear on Google result pages like, images, videos, reviews, or related searches), search volume, and Share of Voice score.
Widgets in this view show you how many of the tracked keywords are presented with various Google SERP features. It also informs you how many of those features your website owns.
Below you can see a chart that shows a detailed view on which features your website owns.
Not every rank tracker tracks SERP features, so this is a real plus.
This section lets you compare your SEO performance with your competitors. The graph can compare Share of Voice and the number of keywords that rank in selected scope (1-3, 4-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-100). You need to define each competitor manually. Otherwise, the data will not be collected. Maximum number of competitors for each domain is 10.
Biased Note!
With MonitLabs all your competitors are tracked by default. In all the plans we store all the results from Top100. Rankings history charts are available for all stored urls & domains. You can compare your website with any competitor or check rankings for any domain and any landing page you want. You can see a complete Top100 for any keyword for any given day.
This is just a table that shows last positions of you and your defined competitors for each keyword.
Here you can see the historical performance for each landing page. Performance is shown as either: Share of Voice, Revenue*, or total Search Volume combined for all the keywords on which a given landing page is visible. If you connect your AccuRanker account with Google Analytics you will be able to see exact traffic data, time on site, and bounce rate for each landing page.
* I honestly don’t know how AccuRanker measures Revenue. I did not see any integration that would make it possible but I assume it has to be there.
With most of the cheaper solutions, you will not be able to see how particular landing pages are performing but you will find similar features in most of the more expensive ones.
Biased Note!
In MonitLabs you can inspect the performance of all the landing pages – not only for your domain but also for any domain that ranks in Top100 for any of your keywords.
This works very similarly to the Landing Pages view. The main difference is that it shows you the performance of your website in the context of keywords grouped by tags instead of specific urls. Each tag contains a group of keywords and the chart shows metric (i.e. Share of Voice or a number of keywords in Top3) which is a combined score for all the keywords from that tag. Here you will also benefit from connecting your Google Analytics account to AccuRanker.
Using this feature you can add a note to one or several keywords you track. It can be useful if you want to mark some important action (like the start of link-building campaign) to verify its effectiveness later.
Accuranker comes with both subaccounts and reporting features. There is no limit to how many subaccounts you can create, big plus. It is also possible to request access to the account of another AccuRanker user.
The reporting feature is very flexible. You can create your own template and adjust it to your liking. There is a set of widgets from which you can choose those that each report should contain.
Available formats for the report are pdf, xls, csv, and direct export to Google Sheets. Below is a sample report page from the AccuRanker pdf report:
AccuRanker has built-in integrations for:
It also allows you to connect with it through API.
AccuRanker has nice looking charts and well-designed UI. It is easy to use and presents all its data in a clear, readable way. But besides that, it is quite a standard rank tracker. It tracks rankings and gives you a way to quickly assess your SEO progress. All the Accuranker features are available even in the smallest plan, which is good. The problem is that the smallest plan costs $99 per month. It is something that would be more suitable for the all-in-one type of SEO tool. For that price, I would expect to have at least some level of backlink monitoring and keyword research available.
It has an API that allows you to build custom integrations but again – in that price range – every tool has an API.
If you need something simple to just track your rankings then there are much cheaper options: MonitLabs – it has the lowest prices on the market plus a free plan for up to 25 keywords monitored daily. Other inexpensive rank trackers are Rankitor, TinyRanker, RankTrackr, and SerpFox.
If you need more complex tool I would recommend SeRanking or SeoProfiller (see the review). These tools have similar pricing but offer a lot more features than just rank tracking.